47 FHA Repossessed Houses in Queens & Brooklyn



Phase I ESAs, 47 FHA Repossessed Houses in Queens and Brooklyn

The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) desired to dispose of 59 dwelling units in 47 buildings in Queens and Brooklyn. The proposed disposition required information and reports pursuant to Part A of HUD Environmental Assessment Form 4128. In addition, NYCHA desired Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, in accordance with ASTM E 1527-05 and E 1528, to facilitate the redevelopment of the sites. SEA submitted the winning bid for this contract with NYCHA and was assisted by Potomac Hudson Engineering, Inc.


Phase I Environmental Site Assessments

  • Site visit
  • Observation of adjacent properties and neighborhood to identify land uses and presence of drycleaners or industrial sites
  • Acquisition, review, and reporting of historical information for Sanborn maps, aerial photos, USGS maps, city directories and government records
  • Review of “non-scope” information on lead paint and asbestos
  • Phase I ESA reports using EDR’s Parcel Platform
  • Recommendations for Phase II testing
  • HUD Form 4128 preparation

SEA has carried out numerous similar Phase I ESAs in the NYC metropolitan area. Similar studies for NYCHA include Linden Boulevard Homes, Metro-North Rehab Houses, Elliot/Chelsea, Fulton, and Harborview Terrace. SEA has also done Phase Is for the MTA, banks, and private developers.

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