Taconic Estate

Taconic Estates

Taconic EstateDr. Crossan has been involved with the Taconic Estates project for over six years. He delineated Federal wetlands on-site, performed a joint field review with the US Army Corps of Engineers, obtained a Jurisdictional Determination (JD), mapped various habitats on-site (including the New England cottontail), coordinated bog turtle and Indiana bat surveys, and assisted with preparation of the DEIS and FEIS for the project. Currently, SEA is assisting the client in obtaining a joint permit from New York State DEC and the US Army Corps of Engineers with respect to filling small areas of wetlands on-site.



  • Wetlands delineation
  • Joint field review with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • Alternatives analysis to minimize impacts to the wetlands
  • Joint wetlands permit application
  • Coordination with the USACE and management of supporting studies regarding threatened & endangered species such as bog turtles, Indiana bat, and northern long-eared bat

Other projects requiring SEA’s services in wetlands and water quality include Hamilton Wetlands Consulting and Review of TVA Paradise Fossil Plant.

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